101. Finding Peace

Well, I feel like I should retract part of my last blog post.  I love Lucas Nelson’s music, but comparing his music to the creations by Woody Guthrie might have been a stretch.  Although I will say, I can see Lucas being just as loved as his father, Willie Nelson, in the years to come.

Music has always been a source of peace for me.  Even when it is played loudly and might not be of a genre one would associate with peace.  I can turn on my favorite tunes or music by my favorite artists, and I feel instantly at peace.  We are so busy these days, all the hustle and bustle of our daily lives creates a heck of a lot of noise.  Just try and find a space with less than five noises all going at once, I dare ya.  No, I double-dog dare ya!  As I write this, I can hear a plane outside, the television, my computer loudly humming away, the sound of me constantly clearing my throat, my clock chiming, and my dog barking at some non-existent threat. 

There is a scene in the movie Funny Farm, where Chevy Chase is in his office trying to write his novel and ends up tossing his coffee out at the sparrow incessantly chirping outside his window.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=218GvC3rmnQ

For me, there’s nothing more peaceful than having the windows open, and the sounds of nature pouring in.  Birds singing, crickets cricketing (what is that sound called anyway), various animals running around outside.  The smell of freshly cut grass, hay, flowers of all kinds, and the occasional skunk.  That’s what you get when you live in midst of a hayfield in Indiana.  Of course, on many summer days in Indiana, it’s just too hot to leave the windows open letting all that peace in, so I end up listening to the hum of my air conditioner rather than the birds singing.  

For some people, the sounds of traffic in the background, the sounds of a city alive is a peaceful sound.  To most of us though, we equate peacefulness with quiet.  If you live in my house there’s always some type of noise, usually the dog barking, some days it seems like non-stop, and maybe a tractor or lawnmower running outside, so I grab my peaceful moments when I can. 

The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.

– Albert Einstein

I think that Einstein must have relished peace and quiet as much as I do.  I love being alone with my thoughts and creativity.  That being said, I want to be alone with a working computer!  I can’t do anything for myself, so my computer is my life.  I create on it, I talk with friends and family, I pay my bills, make appointments, and order everything you could shop for in person.  It is my way to stay connected but still keep my peace and quiet.  Technology has allowed me to keep my peace and quiet, and my alone time.  Whatever your circumstance, try to find some peace in your life. If you are around people all day, pop on some headphones if you can, or sneak away for a moment of peace.  Sit in your car at lunch if you have to, just for a few moments of peace away from work and everyone.  Wherever you live, wherever you are, try to find a few quiet peaceful moments for yourself each day.  

One thought on “101. Finding Peace

  1. Thanks again, Amie! I love to listen to music also. But…I also love my peace and quiet. Enjoy whatever pleases you at any given moment of your day. Take care and I’ll be looking forward to your next entry. ~Loretta

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